Songhan Plastic Technology Co.,Ltd.

Category : Epoxy Product List

Tips: 50 items are displayed at most. For the rest of the results, please contact customer service.
PRODUCT NO. Manufacturer Trade Name
Park Electrochemical Nelco® N8000Q Cyanate Ester Epoxy Laminate and Prepreg Park Electrochemical Corp. Nelco®
Park Electrochemical Nelcote® E-765 Epoxy Prepreg, T300 6K 5HS Reinforced Park Electrochemical Corp. Nelcote®
Abatron AboCast/AboCure 8508-1/8508-1 Primerless, High-Solids Epoxy  (discontinued **)
Huntsman Araldite GY 9513 Bisphenol A Epoxy Liquid Resin Huntsman, former Ciba Specialty Chemicals Araldite
Huntsman Araldite PZ 3901 Water-Based Adhesive/Coating Huntsman, former Ciba Specialty Chemicals Araldite
Huntsman HY 265 Cycloaliphatic Amine Huntsman, former Ciba Specialty Chemicals
Huntsman HY 2962 Cycloaliphatic Amine Huntsman, former Ciba Specialty Chemicals
Huntsman HZ 3441 OU-66 Phenalkamine Hardener Huntsman, former Ciba Specialty Chemicals
Lord Adhesives Fusor® 310 A/B Epoxy Adhesive Lord Adhesives Fusor®
Sumitomo Bakelite North America 4064 Mineral Filled Electrical Encapsulation Grade Epoxy Sumitomo Bakelite North America
Sumitomo Bakelite North America E 3812M-1 Mineral and Glass Filled Electrical Encapsulation Grade Epoxy Sumitomo Bakelite North America
Master Bond Supreme 46HT-2 Toughened, High Shear and Peel Strength Adhesive Master Bond Inc. Supreme
Master Bond UV24TKLO One Component, UV-Curable, Low Outgassing Adhesive System Master Bond Inc.
Tra-Con Tra-Bond 2143G Medium Viscosity Polyamide Epoxy Adhesive Tra-Con, Inc. Tra-Bond
Tra-Con Tra-Bond 293-1 General Purpose Instrument Epoxy Adhesive Tra-Con, Inc. Tra-Bond
Hexcel® HexPly® EH 84 120°C Curing Epoxy Matrix, High Strength 12k carbon UD tape Not Supported 150 g/m2 Hexcel HexPly®
Tra-Con Tra-Bond 933-1 Moisture Resistant Chip Encapsulant Tra-Con, Inc. Tra-Bond
Hexcel® HexPly® F515 Epoxy Resin, 7781 Glass Fabric Hexcel HexPly®
Trelleborg Emerson & Cuming Eccobond® 56C Two-Component Silver Filled Electrically Conductive Epoxy Adhesive Trelleborg Emerson & Cuming, Inc. Eccobond®
Master Bond EP21LV Low Viscosity Two Component Epoxy Master Bond Inc.
Master Bond EP21TDC-7 Highly Flexible Two Component Epoxy System Master Bond Inc.
Master Bond EP27 Low Temperature Curing Two Component Epoxy Master Bond Inc.
Master Bond EP3HTMED One Component, Biocompatible Epoxy System Master Bond Inc.
Master Bond EP3SP5FL High Shear and High Peel Strength One Component Epoxy Master Bond Inc.
Master Bond Supreme 11HT-LO Adhesive and Sealant Serviceable to +400°F Master Bond Inc. Supreme
Hexcel® HexPly® 108 180°C Curing Epoxy Matrix Hexcel HexPly®
Hexcel® HexPly® 920CX-940-42% 125°C Curing Epoxy Matrix Hexcel HexPly®
Hexcel® HexPly® M12 135°C Curing Epoxy Matrix, 37%/7781 Fiber Hexcel HexPly®
CMT Materials PROTOBLOCK Air Permeable Prototype Tooling Material CMT Materials PROTOBLOCK
Abatron Acrylic 57-1™ Clear, Water-Based Coating Abatron
3M Scotch-Weld™ 2214 Hi-Temp Epoxy Adhesive 3M Scotch-Weld™
Atom Adhesives AA-BOND 201 Epoxy Adhesive Atom Adhesives
Atom Adhesives AA-BOND 2123 Epoxy Adhesive Atom Adhesives
Atom Adhesives AA-DUCT 2919 Epoxy Adhesive Atom Adhesives
Atom Adhesives AA-DUCT 2979 Epoxy Adhesive Atom Adhesives
Abatron AboCast 7703-21/AboCure 7703-21 (A) Epoxy Adhesive and Casting Compound Abatron AboCast
Abatron AboCast 8110-9/AboCure 50-1 Flexible Epoxy Abatron AboCast
Resinlab® EP1195 Flame Retardant Epoxy Casting Resin Resinlab®
Beijing Ranger Chem 195 Solid Epoxy Resin Beijing Ranger Chemical Co
Beijing Ranger Chem HY-128 Liquid Epoxy Resin Beijing Ranger Chemical Co
Henkel Hysol MA 562 Core Splice Adhesive Henkel Hysol
Fibre Glast 88 / 87 General Purpose Epoxy Resin and Hardener  (discontinued **)
Sumitomo Bakelite North America Epiall® 1961B-1 Mineral and Glass Filled Electrical Encapsulation Grade Epoxy Sumitomo Bakelite North America Epiall®
Abatron AboCast/AboCure 8109-7 Abatron AboCast/AboCure
Henkel Hysol EA 9820 Paste Adhesive System Henkel Hysol
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