Songhan Plastic Technology Co.,Ltd.

Trade Name : AboWeld Product List

Category Adhesive , Epoxy Adhesive , Epoxy, Electrically Conductive , Epoxy, Cast, Unreinforced , Epoxy, Thermally Conductive
Manufacturer Abatron
Tips: 50 items are displayed at most. For the rest of the results, please contact customer service.
PRODUCT NO. Category
Abatron AboWeld 48-14/AboCure 48-14 Adhesive/Casting Resin Adhesive
Abatron AboWeld 48-33/AboCure 48-33 Epoxy Epoxy
Abatron AboWeld 48-8/AboCure 48-8 Adhesive/Casting Resin Adhesive
Abatron AboWeld 55-22/AboCure 55-22 Epoxy Epoxy
Abatron AboWeld 8101-5/AboCure 8101-5 Epoxy Epoxy
Abatron AboWeld 8104-12 Polysulfide-Epoxy Sealant and Caulk Epoxy Adhesive
Abatron AboWeld 8104-13 Polysulfide-Epoxy Sealant and Caulk Epoxy Adhesive
Abatron AboWeld 8201-14/AboCure 50-12 Carbon-Filled Electrically Conductive Epoxy Compound Epoxy, Electrically Conductive
Abatron AboWeld 8201-14/AboCure 8201-14 Carbon-Filled Electrically Conductive Epoxy Compound Epoxy, Electrically Conductive
Abatron AboWeld 8505-1 A/B Silver-Filled Electrically Conductive Epoxy Compound Epoxy, Electrically Conductive
Abatron AboWeld 8708-5 One-Component Structural/Dielectric Epoxy Epoxy, Cast, Unreinforced
Abatron AboWeld 8708-7 One-Component Structural/Dielectric Epoxy Epoxy, Cast, Unreinforced
Abatron AboWeld 8708-8 One-Component Structural/Dielectric Epoxy Epoxy, Cast, Unreinforced
Abatron AboWeld 8709-18/AboCure 50-12 Nickel-Filled Electrically Conductive Epoxy Compound Epoxy, Electrically Conductive
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