Songhan Plastic Technology Co.,Ltd.

Category : Nylon Product List

Tips: 50 items are displayed at most. For the rest of the results, please contact customer service.
PRODUCT NO. Manufacturer Trade Name
Multibase Nylex™ 2112 FR V0 Natural Polyamide + PP Multibase Nylex™
Nylene® CX3395 Nylon Copolymer Nylene®
Nilit FRIANYL A63 HH-GV40 Nylon 6.6 for injection molding, 40% glass fiber reinforced Nilit (formerly Frisetta Polymer) FRIANYL
Polymer Resources PPX/NY G10 PPO/Nylon 66 Alloy , 10% Glass Reinforced Polymer Resources, LTD
Ravago Manufacturing Americas Hylon® N2033HL Nylon 6 (Cond) Ravago Manufacturing Americas, LLC Hylon®
PolyOne Bergamid™ A700 G25 HW UF Polyamide 66 (Nylon 66) PolyOne Corporation Bergamid™
PolyOne Edgetek® NY-20GF/10GB/000 Polyamide 6 (Nylon 6) PolyOne Corporation Edgetek®
Plastcom SLOVAMID 6 NG GF 45 PA6, 45% glass fibre Plastcom spol. s r.o. SLOVAMID 6
Overview of materials for Nylon 66, MoS2 Filled
BASF Capron® 8200 NL Nylon 6 (DAM)  (discontinued **)
Lehmann & Voss LUVOCOM® 1-8501 Polyamide 66, with glass fiber, lubricant modified, heat stabilized Lehmann & Voss & Co. LUVOCOM®
Lehmann & Voss LUVOCOM® 19-7652 Polyamide 46, with PTFE Lehmann & Voss & Co. LUVOCOM®
Lanxess Durethan® AKV 35 LT H3.0 000000 Nylon 66, 35% Glass Fiber Lanxess Durethan®
Henkel Hysol EA 9896 WPP Peel Ply Henkel Hysol
Lanxess Durethan® DP BKV 60 EF 000000 Nylon6, 60% Glass Fiber Lanxess Durethan®
LATI Latilub 66-20T G/20 PA66, 20% Glass Fiber Reinforced, PTFE Filled LATI Latilub
Solvay TECHNYL® C 548B V15 Black PA6, 15% glass filled, DRY Solvay Technyl®
Techmer ES HiFill® PA6 GF60 60% Glass Filled Techmer ES HiFill®
Techmer ES Plastiblend® PA6/6 Nylon 66 Techmer ES Plastiblend®
SABIC Innovative Plastics LNP Thermocomp RF00ASXP PA6.6 (Europe-Africa-Middle East) SABIC Innovative Plastics (GE Plastics) LNP THERMOCOMP
SABIC Innovative Plastics LNP STAT-LOY PF303 PA 6 SABIC Innovative Plastics (GE Plastics) LNP Stat-loy
UBE 5034MTAX1 Nylon 6/66 Monofilament (Drawing Ratio=4.5) UBE
Zell-Metall Engineering Plastics Zellamid 1115 Zell-Metall Engineering Plastics Zellamid
Zell-Metall Engineering Plastics Zellamid 1200 G at 50% RH Zell-Metall Engineering Plastics Zellamid
A. Schulman SCHULAMID® 66 GF50 50% Glass Fiber Reinforced 66
Polyram PlusTek PD300G5 Nylon 12 for Injection Molding, 25% Glass-Fiber Reinforced Polyram PlusTek
DSM Akulon® K224-G6U (Dry) 33% Glass Reinforced Nylon 6 (North America) DSM Engineering Plastics Akulon®
DSM Stanyl® 46HF4130 Nylon 46-30% Glass Reinforced (European and Asian Grade) (Dry) DSM Engineering Plastics Stanyl®
EMS-Grivory Grivory® BS PA6 EMS-Grivory (EMS-CHEMIE) Grivory®
EMS-Grivory Grivory® TSG-30/4 H black 9836 PA666-GF30 EMS-Grivory (EMS-CHEMIE) Grivory®
EMS-Grivory Grivory® TSGL-60/4 black 9839 PA666-GF60 EMS-Grivory (EMS-CHEMIE) Grivory®
DuPont Performance Polymers Minlon® 22C BK086 Nylon 66  (Unverified Data**) DuPont Performance Polymers Minlon®
DuPont Performance Polymers Zytel® LC6210 BK010 Nylon 612  (Unverified Data**) DuPont Performance Polymers Zytel®
Eurostar Staramide RF004XXC PA6, 20% Glass Fiber Filled, Injection Molded Eurostar Engineering Plastics Staramide
Eurotec® Tecomid® NB40 GR30 NL MB PA6, 30% glass fiber reinforced, impact modified, heat stabilized, natural Eurotec Tecomid®
Eurotec® Tecomid® NB40 GR30 NL HW PA6, 30% glass fiber reinforced, hydrolysis stabilized, natural Eurotec Tecomid®
Arkema Group Rilsan® ARVO 950 TLD Nylon 12, Rotomolding Grade (Conditioned) Arkema
Ashley Polymers Ashlene® 528L-30G Nylon 66, 30% Glass Reinforced Ashley Polymers Ashlene®
Ashley Polymers Ashlene® L930 Nylon 12 Ashley Polymers Ashlene®
BASF Ultramid® KR 4350 PA6/6T (Dry) BASF Ultramid®
Arkema Group Rilsan® Clear G350 Polyamide Arkema
Addiplast Addinyl PMD 20143 Nylon 6 Addiplast Addinyl
BASF Ultramid® SEG8 BK-126 40% Glass Filled PA6 (Dry) BASF Ultramid®
DSM Akulon® F223-DH Nylon 6 (European Grade) (Dry)  (discontinued **)
Premix Thermoplastics PRE-ELEC® PA 1408 Conductive Thermoplastic Compound Premix Thermoplastics Inc. PRE-ELEC®
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