Songhan Plastic Technology Co.,Ltd.

Category : Nonferrous Metal Product List

Tips: 50 items are displayed at most. For the rest of the results, please contact customer service.
PRODUCT NO. Manufacturer Trade Name
Osprey Metals 49FeCo2V Cobalt Alloy Powder (Grade 95% - 16) Osprey Metals, Ltd.
KB Alloys Tibor® 5% Ti - 0.2% B Titanium Boron Aluminum Alloy KB Alloys Tibor®
Kobe Steel KS6-4 Alpha-Beta Titanium Alloy, ASTM Gr. 5, Annealed Kobe Steel
Materion Brush 1915â„¢ Annealed Temper Rod Materion Corporation (former Brush Wellman)
Indium Corp. Indalloy 73 Bismuth-Tin Solder Alloy Indium Corporation of America Indalloy
Indium Corp. Indalloy 93 Bismuth-Lead Solder Alloy Indium Corporation of America Indalloy
Materion BrushCAST® 165CT Fine Grain Casting Alloy (As Cast) Materion Corporation (former Brush Wellman) BrushCAST®
MetalTek C81100 Copper High Conductivity MetalTek
Johnson Matthey Argo-braze 502 Silver Brazing Alloy for Tungsten Carbide Brazing Johnson Matthey
Johnson Matthey Matti-sil 453 Cadmium Free Brazing Alloy Johnson Matthey
H.C. Starck Amperit® 140.067 Tungsten (W) H.C. Starck Amperit®
H.C. Starck NiAl 97/3 Atomized Powder H.C. Starck
H.C. Starck WCu 80/20 Tungsten-Copper Composite Material H.C. Starck
Haynes 230® alloy plate, 4000 hours exposure at 649°C (1200°F) Haynes International, Inc.
Haynes HR-160® alloy, solution annealed sheet Haynes International, Inc.
Haynes Ultimet® alloy, aged 1000 hours at 538°C (1000°F) Haynes International, Inc. Ultimet®
Materion Beryllium Copper Alloy M25 Wire; 3/4HT (TH03) Temper; 1.3-2.0 mm Diameter (UNS C17300) Materion Corporation (former Brush Wellman)
Materion Brush 1915â„¢ Annealed Temper Wire Materion Corporation (former Brush Wellman)
H.C. Starck Type II Pure Molybdenum MIMP Powder H.C. Starck
Lucas-Milhaupt Silvaloy® 18M Brazing Alloy Lucas-Milhaupt Silvaloy®
Haynes Hastelloy® C-22® alloy, 30% cold worked sheet Haynes International, Inc. Hastelloy®
HP Alloys Alloy 718, 10% Cold Worked High Performance Alloys, Inc
Special Metals INCONEL® Alloy 718 Special Metals (includes the former Inco Alloys International Inc.) INCONEL®
Special Metals INCONEL® HX Nickel Superalloy Special Metals (includes the former Inco Alloys International Inc.) INCONEL®
Wieland Porta Optimum PFM Alloy Wieland Porta
Williams Advanced Alloys Wambraze™ WB795 Solder Williams Advanced Alloys Wambraze™
Williams Advanced Alloys WS118 Solder Williams Advanced Alloys
Alcoa MIC-6 Aluminum Mold Alloy Alcoa
American Elements Platinum Nanoparticles American Elements
American Elements Samarium Nanoparticles American Elements
Eagle Brass 19010 XP-150 Copper Nickel Silicon, Extra Hard Eagle Brass Company
Eagle Brass 194 HSM® Copper, Hard Eagle Brass Company
Eagle Brass 425 Tin Brass 2%, Spring Eagle Brass Company
Eagle Brass 715 Copper Nickel 30%, 1/4 Hard Eagle Brass Company
Elgiloy® Co-Cr-Ni Alloy, Strip, 20% Cold Reduction, Heat Treated Elgiloy Specialty Metals
Elgiloy® Co-Cr-Ni Alloy, Strip, 40% Cold Reduction, Heat Treated Elgiloy Specialty Metals
China Tungsten Kmo51-A Molybdenum Concentrate China Tungsten
CLAL-MSX NICLAFOR® 1000 TH1 Quenched/Precipitation Heat Treated, Drawn Copper Alloy CLAL-MSX NICLAFOR®
CLAL-MSX NICLAL 1300 0 Annealed Copper Alloy, Free Cutting Nickel-Silver CLAL-MSX NICLAL
CLAL-MSX DECLAFOR® 1015 TD1 Wire quenched/Cold Rolled Copper Alloy CLAL-MSX DECLAFOR®
CMW® ELKONIUM 33 platinum based alloy CMW Inc. ELKONIUM
3M 3340 HVAC Construction 3M
Cadi 150 Copper Alloy Cadi Company
Alpase M-5™ Aluminum Mold Plate Alpase
ATI Allegheny Ludlum Grade 3 Titanium (UNS R50550) ATI Allegheny Ludlum
Carpenter Hiperco® 50 Fe-Co-V Soft Magnetic Alloy, 0.35 mm Strip Heat Treated 843°C Carpenter Technology Corporation (Cartech) Hiperco®
Indium Corp. Indalloy 208 Copper Solder Alloy Indium Corporation of America Indalloy
ATI Allegheny Ludlum Grade 12 Titanium (UNS R53400) ATI Allegheny Ludlum
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