Songhan Plastic Technology Co.,Ltd.

Polymer Property : Drying Temperature = 130 °F Product List

Processing Properties

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Processing Properties Metric English Comments
Drying Temperature 54.4 - 82.2 °C
130 - 180 °F
Average value: 73.7 °C Grade Count:7
Overview of materials for Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS), Glass Bead Filled
This property data is a summary of similar materials in the MatWeb database for the category "ABS + Glass Blend". Each property range of values reported is minimum and maximum values of appropriate ..
Drying Temperature 54.4 °C
130 °F
PolyOne Edgetek® AS-13CF/000 Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS), Carbon Fiber Reinforced  (discontinued **)
Description/Features:Carbon Fiber ReinforcedPolyOne First ChoiceInformation provided by PolyOne Corporation.
Drying Temperature 54.4 - 71.1 °C
130 - 160 °F
PolyOne Edgetek® AS-20GB/000 Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS), Glass Bead Filled  (discontinued **)
Description/Features:Glass Bead FilledPolyOne First ChoiceInformation provided by PolyOne Corporation.
Drying Temperature 54.4 °C
130 °F
Kleerdex Kydex® IM62 Acrylic/PVC injection Molding Compound  (discontinued **)
High impact injection molding compoundApplications: Appliances, office equipment, electrical products, tools, medical equipment, computer equipmentFeatures: IM62 has a Notched Izod impact resistance..
Drying Temperature 54.4 °C
130 °F
Kleerdex Kydex® IM90 Acrylic/PVC injection Molding Compound  (discontinued **)
Low heat release aviation gradeApplications: Kydex IM90 is designed for injection molded parts each need to meet the highest flammability requirements of the FAA (FAR 25.853d) for vertical burn, rat..
Drying Temperature 54.4 °C
130 °F
PolyOne Edgetek® NJ-000/000 Nylon 12  (discontinued **)
Description/Features:General Purpose GradeHeat StabilizedHigh FlowUL 94 HBProcessing Method:Injection MoldingPolyOne First ChoiceInformation provided by PolyOne Corporation.
Drying Temperature 55 - 70.0 °C
130 - 158 °F
LG Chemical LUMILOY GN1006F Injection Molding FR mPPO
Uses include electric/electronic parts.
Drying Temperature 54.4 - 68.3 °C
130 - 155 °F
Average value: 59.1 °C Grade Count:3
Overview of materials for PVC, Molded
This property data is a summary of similar materials in the MatWeb database for the category "PVC, Molded". Each property range of values reported is minimum and maximum values of appropriate MatWeb..
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