Songhan Plastic Technology Co.,Ltd.

Category : Polybutylene Terephthalate (PBT), 30% Glass Fiber Filled Product List

Tips: 50 items are displayed at most. For the rest of the results, please contact customer service.
PRODUCT NO. Manufacturer Trade Name
Plastcom SLOVASTER® B/A GF 30 PBT, 30% glass fibre Plastcom spol. s r.o. SLOVASTER®
Polymer Resources TP-G30-TFE15 Polybutylene Terephthalate, 30% Glass Reinforced, 15% PTFE Polymer Resources, LTD
Polymer Resources TPSF-FR1 PBT, 30% Glass Reinforced Structural Foam Grade, Flame Retardant Polymer Resources, LTD
Polymer Resources TPSF-G30 Polybutylene Terephthalate, Structural Foam, 30% Glass Reinforced Polymer Resources, LTD
PTS PBT-6630 30% Glass Filled Polymer Technology & Services, LLC (PTS)
DSM Arnite® CCT GF30 (T-X01301) PBT-30% Glass Reinforced (European Grade)  (discontinued **)
PolyOne Lubri-Tech™ PS-30GF/ 02S PBT Polyester - 30% Glass Fiber - 2% Silicone  (discontinued **)
Kingfa PBT-G30 30% Glass Fiber Reinforced PBT Kingfa Sci. & Tech. Co.
LG Chemical Lupox® GP-2301F General Purpose PBT, 30% Glass Fiber Reinforced, Flame Retardant LG Chemical Lupox®
LG Chemical Lupox® NH2306F PBT+GF30% LG Chemical Lupox®
Lanxess Pocan® B 3233 HR 000000 Polybutylene Terephthalate, 30% Glass Fibers Lanxess Pocan®
LG Chemical Lupox® GP2306FG PBT+GF30% LG Chemical Lupox®
LG Chemical Lupox® HI2303 PBT+GF30% LG Chemical Lupox®
Loxim 230 01V0 Polybutylene Terephthalate Loxim Industries
Techmer ES HiFill FR® PBT GF30 FR-S AS 30% Glass Filled Techmer ES HiFill FR®
Shinkong Synthetic Fibers Shinite® F202G30 PBT, 30% Glass Filled, Fire Retardant, Halogen Free Shinkong Synthetic Fibers Corp Shinite®
Shinkong Synthetic Fibers Shinite® F202G30 PBT, 30% Glass Filled, Fire Retardant, Halogen Free
A. Schulman SCHULADUR® A GF30 30% Glass Fiber Reinforced PBT
Polyplastics Duranex® 330HR Polybutylene Terephthalate (PBT), Hydrolysis resistant, Heat shock resistant, 30% GF filled Polyplastics Co. Duranex®
Polyplastics Duranex® C5330 Polybutylene Terephthalate (PBT), Higher gloss, Better surface appearance, 30% GF filled Polyplastics Co. Duranex®
Polyplastics Duranex® CRN7030 Polybutylene Terephthalate (PBT), Low gas generation, Low contact contamination, FR, UL approved regrind 50%, 30% GF filled Polyplastics Co. Duranex®
A. Schulman SCHULADUR® A GF33HI 33% Glass Fiber Reinforced, High Impact PBT
Polyram RamSter PF306G6 PBT, 30% Glass Fiber Polyram
A. Schulman SCHULADUR® A GF33HI 33% Glass Fiber Reinforced, High Impact PBT
Polyplastics Duranex® 3300 Polybutylene Terephthalate (PBT), Standard, 30% GF filled Polyplastics Co. Duranex®
DuPont Performance Polymers Crastin® CE15330 NC010 Polybutylene Terephthalate (PBT)  (Unverified Data**)&l DuPont Performance Polymers Crastin®
DuPont Performance Polymers Crastin® HR5330HFS BK591 Polybutylene Terephthalate (PBT)  (Unverified Data**) DuPont Performance Polymers Crastin®
DuPont Performance Polymers Crastin® SK605 NC010 Polybutylene Terephthalate (PBT)  (Unverified Data**) DuPont Performance Polymers Crastin®
Eurotec® Tecodur® PB70 GR30 NL XA60 PBT, 30% glass fiber reinforced, flame retardant - halogen & red phosphorus, heat stabilized, natural Eurotec Tecodur®
BASF Ultradur S 4090 G6 30% Glass Filled PBT BASF Ultradur S
BASF Ultradur S 4090 G6 LS BK15077 30% Glass Filled PBT BASF Ultradur S
BLUESTAR 201-G25202 PBT, 25% Glass Filled BLUESTAR
BLUESTAR 403G-MG30 PBT, 30% Glass Filled BLUESTAR
BASF Ultradur® B 4330 G6 HR 30% Glass Filled PBT BASF Ultradur®
Lanxess Pocan® BFN 4231 000000 PBT, 25% Glass Fiber Lanxess Pocan®
Plastcom SLOVASTER® B1 GF 30 PBT, 30% glass fibre Plastcom spol. s r.o. SLOVASTER®
Gromax CCP PBT 4830-BK 30% Glass Fiber Filled Gromax
Gromax CCP PBT 5630-104C 30% Glass Fiber Filled Gromax
LATI Latiohm 75/4-08 PD01 G/30 PBT, 30% Glass Fiber Reinforced LATI Latiohm
DuPont Performance Polymers Crastin® LW9030FR NC010 PBT  (Unverified Data**)
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