Songhan Plastic Technology Co.,Ltd.

Manufacturer : Kuraray Company Product List

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PRODUCT NO. Category Trade Name
Kuraray Genestarâ„¢ GC1201A-M41 Nylon, Glass Filled and Carbon Filled Nylon Genestar™
Kuraray Genestarâ„¢ GP2450NH-2 Nylon, 45% Glass Filled Nylon Genestar™
Kuraray Genestarâ„¢ GW1458HF Nylon, 45% Glass Filled Nylon Genestar™
Kuraray Genestarâ„¢ N1001D-U83/02 Nylon Nylon Genestar™
Kuraray Genestarâ„¢ N1002A-M41 Nylon Nylon Genestar™
Kuraray Genestarâ„¢ TA104 Nylon Nylon Genestar™
Kuraray HYBRAR® BF2 Three Layer Blown Film Film HYBRAR®
Kuraray HYBRAR® Blends Thermoplastic Elastomer, Melt-Processible Rubber HYBRAR®
Kuraray HYBRAR® CF1 Mono Layer Cast Film Film HYBRAR®
Kuraray HYBRAR® CF2 Mono Layer Cast Film Film HYBRAR®
Kuraray HYBRAR® CF3 Mono Layer Cast Film Film HYBRAR®
Kuraray HYBRAR® F1 Foam Compound Thermoplastic Elastomer, Melt-Processible Rubber HYBRAR®
Kuraray HYBRAR® F2 Foam Compound Thermoplastic Elastomer, Melt-Processible Rubber HYBRAR®
Kuraray HYBRAR® F4 Foam Compound Thermoplastic Elastomer, Melt-Processible Rubber HYBRAR®
Kuraray HYBRAR® H7125 Hydrogenated Thermoplastic Rubber Thermoplastic Elastomer, Melt-Processible Rubber HYBRAR®
Kuraray HYBRAR® H7311 Hydrogenated Thermoplastic Rubber Thermoplastic Elastomer, Melt-Processible Rubber HYBRAR®
Kuraray HYBRAR® HD2 Thermoplastic Rubber-HDPE Blend HDPE HYBRAR®
Kuraray HYBRAR® HD3 Thermoplastic Rubber-HDPE Blend HDPE HYBRAR®
Kuraray HYBRAR® Low Rebound Compound # 1 Thermoplastic Elastomer, Melt-Processible Rubber HYBRAR®
Kuraray HYBRAR® PH8 Polypropylene Blend Polypropylene (PP) HYBRAR®
Kuraray HYBRAR® PS2 Thermoplastic Rubber-Polystyrene Blend Polystyrene (PS) HYBRAR®
Kuraray SEPTON® CM2 Compatibilizer Thermoplastic Elastomer, Melt-Processible Rubber SEPTON®
Kuraray SEPTON® H5125 Thermoplastic Elastomer, Melt-Processible Rubber SEPTON®
Kuraray SEPTON® PM1 Polypropylene Modified Plastic Polypropylene (PP) SEPTON®
Kuraray SEPTON® PM3 Polypropylene Modified Plastic Polypropylene (PP) SEPTON®
Kuraray SEPTON® S1001 Thermoplastic Rubber Thermoplastic Elastomer, Melt-Processible Rubber SEPTON®
Kuraray SEPTON® S2002 Thermoplastic Rubber Thermoplastic Elastomer, Melt-Processible Rubber SEPTON®
Kuraray SEPTON® S2004 Thermoplastic Rubber Thermoplastic Elastomer, Melt-Processible Rubber SEPTON®
Kuraray SEPTON® S2007 Thermoplastic Rubber Thermoplastic Elastomer, Melt-Processible Rubber SEPTON®
Kuraray SEPTON® S2063 Thermoplastic Rubber Thermoplastic Elastomer, Melt-Processible Rubber SEPTON®
Kuraray SEPTON® S2104 Thermoplastic Rubber Thermoplastic Elastomer, Melt-Processible Rubber SEPTON®
Kuraray SEPTON® S4030 Thermoplastic Rubber Thermoplastic Elastomer, Melt-Processible Rubber SEPTON®
Kuraray SEPTON® S4033 Thermoplastic Rubber Thermoplastic Elastomer, Melt-Processible Rubber SEPTON®
Kuraray SEPTON® S4077 Thermoplastic Rubber Thermoplastic Elastomer, Melt-Processible Rubber SEPTON®
Kuraray Vectran® HT 1500/300 LCP Fiber Composite Fibers Vectran®
Kuraray Vectran® NT 1500/300 LCP Fiber Composite Fibers Vectran®
Kuraray HYBRAR® PH1 Polypropylene Blend Polypropylene (PP) HYBRAR®
Kuraray HYBRAR® PH6 Polypropylene Blend Polypropylene (PP) HYBRAR®
Kuraray SEPTON® A3 Hot Melt Adhesive Adhesive SEPTON®
Kuraray SEPTON® A4 Hot Melt Adhesive Adhesive SEPTON®
Kuraray SEPTON® CM1 Compatibilizer Thermoplastic Elastomer, Melt-Processible Rubber SEPTON®
Kuraray SEPTON® S45 Soft Compound Thermoplastic Elastomer, Melt-Processible Rubber SEPTON®
Kuraray SEPTON® S8004 Thermoplastic Rubber Thermoplastic Elastomer, Melt-Processible Rubber SEPTON®
Kuraray SEPTON® S8006 Thermoplastic Rubber Thermoplastic Elastomer, Melt-Processible Rubber SEPTON®
Kuraray SEPTON® S8007 Thermoplastic Rubber Thermoplastic Elastomer, Melt-Processible Rubber SEPTON®
Kuraray SEPTON® S8104 Thermoplastic Rubber Thermoplastic Elastomer, Melt-Processible Rubber SEPTON®
Kuraray HYBRAR® BF1 Three Layer Blown Film Film HYBRAR®
Kuraray HYBRAR® PH3 Polypropylene Blend Polypropylene (PP) HYBRAR®
Kuraray Genestar™ GN2450 Nylon, 45% Glass Filled Nylon Genestar™
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