Songhan Plastic Technology Co.,Ltd.

Category : Metal Product List

Tips: 50 items are displayed at most. For the rest of the results, please contact customer service.
PRODUCT NO. Manufacturer Trade Name
Plansee Ta2.5W Tantalum-Tungsten 2.5 Alloy Plansee SE
OMG Americas GlidCop® AL-25 Dispersion Strengthened Copper OMG Americas GlidCop®
Osprey Metals Fe3Si Binary Alloy Powder (Grade 80% - 22) Osprey Metals, Ltd.
Hogen Duralloy H30W 80 Tungsten/20 Copper PM Metal Composite Hogen Industries Duralloy
KB Alloys 60% Manganese Aluminum Alloy KB Alloys
MarkeTech WCu20 Tungsten Copper Alloy MarkeTech
Kobe Steel KS100 Commercially Pure Titanium, Annealed Kobe Steel
MetalTek GTD 222® Centri-Vac Nickel Cobalt Based Alloy MetalTek GTD
H.C. Starck Ampersint® MAP FeNi 50/50 For Soft Magnets H.C. Starck Ampersint® MAP
H.C. Starck MP35N® Nickel/Cobalt/Chromium/Molybdenum Alloy H.C. Starck
Haynes R-41 alloy, 0.635 mm thick sheet, solution heat treated at 1079°C, water quenched, 30 minutes at 1066°C, aged 16 hours at 760°C (1400°F), air cooled Haynes International, Inc.
Haynes R-41 alloy, sheet 0.762-2.54 mm exclusive, 30 minutes at 1066°C, air cooled, aged 16 hours at 760°C (1400°F) Haynes International, Inc.
Kennametal Stellite Deloro® 716 PM cast Kennametal Stellite Deloro®
Indium Corp. Indalloy 135 Tin-Lead Solder Alloy Indium Corporation of America Indalloy
H.C. Starck Molybdenum Alloy AFB-3OW, Arc-Cast Forging Billet H.C. Starck
Lucas-Milhaupt Clean & Bright & Brite Tin/ Silver Solder Lucas-Milhaupt Clean & Bright
Lucas-Milhaupt EASY FLO 30 Silver Based Cadmium-Bearing Filler Metal Lucas-Milhaupt EASY FLO
Special Metals INCONEL® 625LCF® Nickel Superalloy (UNS N06626) Annealed + 50% Cold Work Special Metals (includes the former Inco Alloys International Inc.) INCONEL®
Special Metals INCONEL® 686 Nickel Superalloy (UNS N06686) Plate 0.250 in (6.4 mm) Special Metals (includes the former Inco Alloys International Inc.) INCONEL®
SSAB Tunnplat Domex® 044 BOR Water quenched Boron Steel SSAB Tunnplat AB Domex®
Universal Wire Works C-276 Nickel Alloy Welding Wire Universal Wire Works
Universal Wire Works Inconel 62 (AMS 5679) Nickel Alloy Filler Metal Universal Wire Works
Williams Advanced Alloys WS310 Solder Williams Advanced Alloys
Goodfellow Cobalt/Silicon/Boron/Iron/Nickel Alloy Goodfellow
ThyssenKrupp PAS 460 Structural Steel for Cold Forming ThyssenKrupp
Williams Advanced Alloys C110 Solder Williams Advanced Alloys
Eagle Brass 70265 XP175, Annealed Eagle Brass Company
Crucible Steel 303 SE Chromium-Nickel Steel Crucible Steel
ETREMA Products Terfenol-D Magnetostrictive Smart Material (Tb0.3Dy0.7Fe1.92) ETREMA Products Terfenol-D
CLAL-MSX ARCAP Anticorrosion AP1 H12 1/2 hard, Rolled Copper Alloy CLAL-MSX ARCAP Anticorrosion
CLAL-MSX NICLAFOR® 1000 TH1 Quenched/Precipitation Heat Treated, Drawn Copper Alloy CLAL-MSX NICLAFOR®
CLAL-MSX NICLAFOR® 1000 TH4 Quenched/Precipitation Heat Treated, Drawn Copper Alloy CLAL-MSX NICLAFOR®
CMW® D50 Silver Nickel Contact Material ASTM B693 CMW Inc.
Elgiloy® Co-Cr-Ni Alloy, Wire, 47% Cold Reduction (Coil Spring Range) Elgiloy Specialty Metals
Chicago Extruded Metals BioBrass® UNS C22600 Copper-Zinc Alloy Chicago Extruded Metals (CXM) BioBrass®
3M 3369 General Purpose Aluminum Foil Tape 3M
Carlson C 800AT Nickel-Iron-Chromium Alloy Carlson
Carlson GOC 276 Nickel-Molybdenum-Chromium Carlson GOC
ATI Allegheny Ludlum Relay Steels No. 2 ATI Allegheny Ludlum
Bohler-Uddeholm BÖHLER W360 ISOBLOC® Hot Work Tool Steel Bohler-Uddeholm BÖHLER
AK Steel ZINCGRIP® GA Hot Dip Galvannealed Carbon Extra Deep Drawing Steel Plus (EDDS+), Standard Grade AK Steel ZINCGRIP®
Schmolz + Bickenbach Formadur® 2311 Plastic Mold Steel Schmolz + Bickenbach (Swiss Steel International) Formadur®
Crucible Steel REX® M42 High Speed Steel, AISI M42 Crucible Steel
Haynes 230® alloy, as cast vacuum investment casting Haynes International, Inc.
HP Alloys Alloy 718, 25% Cold Worked High Performance Alloys, Inc
Special Metals INCOLOY® Alloy 020 Special Metals (includes the former Inco Alloys International Inc.) INCOLOY®
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