Material Notes:
Description: The Akulon portfolio is engineered for optimum performance to suit different processing techniques and end use markets.Unfilled Extrusion ResinsAkulon resins are available with melt viscosities to suit all extrusion processes: barrier and coating film, tube and hose, monofilament, stock shapes. Akulon resins are characterized by:consistent qualityhigh purity for film applications, low gel contents. Molding ResinsSuited to all engineering demands: Unfilled low and medium viscosity gradesToughened unfilled gradesGlass reinforced from 20-45% filledLow warpage reinforced gradesFlame retardant; UL V0 rated and glow wire typesHalogen free FR gradesBlow moldable materialsLaser markable resinsLaser weldable, high burst pressure gradesToughened, reinforced resinsHigh stiffness grades for metal replacement Akulon Ultraflow resins have high flow with mechanical properties similar to standard materials. Exceptional flow allows: productivity gains in moldinglower built in stressesbetter surface appearancesystem cost reductions Applications for Molding resins There is an Akulon resin available suitable for any application requiring polyamides. Key areas where DSM has specific application knowledge areAutomotiveUnder the hood and engine componentsExterior and interior applicationsElectrical components and connectorsElectricalLow voltage power distributionLightingPower connectorsConsumer DurablesPower and lawn and garden toolsSmall AppliancesSports and leisure equipmentFurniture accessoriesIndustrial GoodsTransportation (railways)Information provided by DSM.