Material Notes:
Characteristics: Braze 300 is an intermediate temperature silver brazing alloy with a fairly long (160EF/70EC) melting range. This long melting range is helpful when wide gap joints are brazed and is useful in producing large joint fillets to reduce the notch effect in stressed assemblies. Where the higher brazing temperature and characteristics of this alloy are permissible, the lower silver content affords a saving. Handy Flux should be used with this alloy. Applications:Braze 300 is a good general purpose, intermediate temperature brazing alloy for use on copper, brass, nickel-silver, bronze, steel and other nonferrous alloys melting above 1450EF (765EC). Uses include the brazing of nickel-silver hollow knife handles and electrical equipment. It is particularly adaptable to metal bath dip brazing of fine wires for radio, small transformer and electronics assemblies because its flow point matches the fluid temperature of borax. Borax is used as a metal bath flux cover because it is less corrosive to ceramic pot linings than Handy Flux. Braze 300 exhibits better stability than lower melting alloys when used for metal bath dip brazing. Specifications:This alloys conforms to the following specifications-AWS A5.8 BAg-20, ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code Sec II-C, SFA-5.8 BAg-20 Information provided by Lucas-Milhaupt, Inc.