Songhan Plastic Technology Co.,Ltd.

Manufacturer : Mytex Polymers Product List

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PRODUCT NO. Category Trade Name
Mytex Polymers 1391 Polypropylene, Non-filled, Compounded Polypropylene (PP)
Mytex Polymers 8224LW Polypropylene, Non-filled, Compounded Polypropylene (PP)
Mytex Polymers AN16L(W)-D56 Polypropylene, Talc filled, Compounded, Elastomer, Impact modified Polypropylene with 10% Talc Filler
Mytex Polymers AN16L-06 Polypropylene, Compounded Polypropylene (PP)
Mytex Polymers AN16L-44 Polypropylene, Compounded Polypropylene (PP)
Mytex Polymers AN16L-53 Polypropylene, Compounded Polypropylene (PP)
Mytex Polymers AN18KW-01 FK Polypropylene, Rubber modified Polypropylene (PP)
Mytex Polymers AS14KW-02 Polypropylene, Talc filled, Compounded Polypropylene with 10% Talc Filler
Mytex Polymers AS171L-02US Polypropylene, 13% Talc Filled Polypropylene with 10% Talc Filler
Mytex Polymers AS172LW-01US Thermoplastic Polyolefin, Compounded Polyolefin
Mytex Polymers AS20LW Polypropylene, Talc filled, Compounded Polypropylene with 10% Talc Filler
Mytex Polymers AS23K-01 Polypropylene, Talc filled, Compounded, Non-UV stabilized Polypropylene with 10% Talc Filler
Mytex Polymers AS23KW-01 Polypropylene, Talc filled, Compounded Polypropylene with 10% Talc Filler
Mytex Polymers AS33K(W)-02 Polypropylene, Talc filled, Compounded Polypropylene with 10% Talc Filler
Mytex Polymers AS33K-02 Polypropylene, Talc filled, Compounded Polypropylene with 10% Talc Filler
Mytex Polymers AS33L(W)-06 Polypropylene, Rubber modified, Talc filled, Compounded Polypropylene with 10% Talc Filler
Mytex Polymers AS33L-07V Polypropylene, Rubber modified, Compounded Polypropylene (PP)
Mytex Polymers AS33L-07VS Polypropylene, Rubber modified, Compounded Polypropylene (PP)
Mytex Polymers AS33L-16 Polypropylene, Rubber modified, Talc filled, Compounded Polypropylene with 10% Talc Filler
Mytex Polymers AS33LW Polypropylene, Rubber modified, Talc filled, Compounded Polypropylene with 10% Talc Filler
Mytex Polymers AS65K-2ATM Polypropylene, Talc filled, Compounded Polypropylene with 10% Talc Filler
Mytex Polymers AS65KW-1ATM Polypropylene, Talc filled, Compounded Polypropylene with 10% Talc Filler
Mytex Polymers AS65KW-LG Polypropylene, Talc filled, Compounded Polypropylene with 10% Talc Filler
Mytex Polymers AS65KWLGUS Polypropylene, Talc filled, Compounded Polypropylene with 10% Talc Filler
Mytex Polymers AS66K-01 Polypropylene, Talc filled, Compounded Polypropylene with 10% Talc Filler
Mytex Polymers AS78L(W)-GM-02 Polypropylene, Rubber modified, Compounded Polypropylene (PP)
Mytex Polymers AS78L-GM Polypropylene, Rubber modified, Compounded Polypropylene (PP)
Mytex Polymers AS88L-01 Polypropylene, Compounded, Elastomer Polypropylene (PP)
Mytex Polymers AX1162 Polypropylene, Glass filled, Compounded Polypropylene with 10% Glass Fiber Filler
Mytex Polymers AX1166 Polypropylene, Talc filled, Compounded Polypropylene with 10% Talc Filler
Mytex Polymers AS319L-01US Thermoplastic Polyolefin, 19% Talc Filled Polyolefin
Mytex Polymers AS319LW-01US Thermoplastic Polyolefin, 19% Talc Filled Polyolefin
Mytex Polymers AS43L-01 Polypropylene, Rubber modified, Compounded Polypropylene (PP)
Mytex Polymers AS88LW-01 Polypropylene, Compounded, Elastomer Polypropylene (PP)
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