Songhan Plastic Technology Co.,Ltd.

Polymer Property : Electrical Resistivity = 10.0 ohm-cm - 1e+05 Product List

Electrical Properties

Tips: 30 items are displayed at most. For the rest of the results, please contact customer service.
Electrical Properties Metric English Comments
Electrical Resistivity 10.0 ohm-cm - 1e+05
10.0 ohm-cm - 1e+05
Average value: 179 ohm-cm Grade Count:6
Overview of materials for Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS), 30% Carbon Fiber Filled
This property data is a summary of similar materials in the MatWeb database for the category "Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS), 30% Carbon Fiber Filled". Specific grades with carbon fiber conte..
Electrical Resistivity 10.0 - 1.00e+17 ohm-cm
10.0 - 1.00e+17 ohm-cm
Average value: 1.60e+16 ohm-cm Grade Count:30
Overview of materials for Polycarbonate, Impact Modified
This property data is a summary of similar materials in the MatWeb database for the category "Polycarbonate, Impact Modified". Each property range of values reported is minimum and maximum values of..
Electrical Resistivity 10.0 - 1000 ohm-cm
10.0 - 1000 ohm-cm
PolyOne Stat-Tech™ PI-10SS/000 Polyetherimide - 10% Stainless Steel Fiber  (discontinued **)
Data provided by PolyOne.
Electrical Resistivity 10.0 - 10000 ohm-cm
10.0 - 10000 ohm-cm
Average value: 3010 ohm-cm Grade Count:6
Overview of materials for Polyphenylene Sulfide (PPS) with 10% Carbon Fiber Filler
This property data is a summary of similar materials in the MatWeb database for the category "Polyphenylene Sulfide (PPS) with 10% Carbon Fiber Filler". Specific grades with carbon fiberr content be..
Electrical Resistivity 10.0 - 7.80e+14 ohm-cm
10.0 - 7.80e+14 ohm-cm
Average value: 7.09e+13 ohm-cm Grade Count:12
Overview of materials for Nylon 12, Carbon Fiber Filled
This property data is a summary of similar materials in the MatWeb database for the category "Nylon 12, Carbon Fiber Filled". Each property range of values reported is minimum and maximum values of ..
Electrical Resistivity 10.0 - 100 ohm-cm
10.0 - 100 ohm-cm
Techmer ES Electrafil® DB-50/SS/6/FR Polycarbonate, 6% Stainless Steel Fiber (dry blend), Flame Retardant
Electrical Resistivity 10.0 - 100 ohm-cm
10.0 - 100 ohm-cm
Techmer ES Electrafil® J-1/CF/20 Nylon 66, 20% Carbon Fiber Reinforced
Electrical Resistivity 10.0 - 100 ohm-cm
10.0 - 100 ohm-cm
Techmer ES Electrafil® J-50/CF/30 Polycarbonate, 30% Carbon Fiber Reinforced
Carbon Fiber Reinforced
Electrical Resistivity 10.0 ohm-cm
10.0 ohm-cm
Specific Resistance
UBE Tyranno Grade F Ceramic Semi-Conductive Fiber
Description: Tyranno Fiber is the continuous ceramic fiber consisting of Si, Ti or Zr,C and O. Advanced composites reinforced by the Tyranno Fiber are expected to play a very important role in the e..
Electrical Resistivity >= 10.0 ohm-cm
>= 10.0 ohm-cm
Plastic Lumber from the Plastic Lumber Co.
Description: Plastic Lumber is a product similar to wood that is made from recycled plastic jugs. Products will never splinter, rot, crumble or need painting. Plastic Lumber has rapidly gained accep..
Electrical Resistivity 10.0 ohm-cm
10.0 ohm-cm
Ceradyne Ceralloy® 546-3E Boron Carbide
Features:low porosityhigh puritysingle phaseApplications:semiconductor componentsInformation provided by Ceradyne Company
Electrical Resistivity 10.0 - 100 ohm-cm
10.0 - 100 ohm-cm
A. Schulman ComAlloy E-17099B Nylon 6/6, Electrically Conductive - Carbon Fiber Filled
Data provided by the manufacturer, ComAlloy International Company.The ComAlloy product line has been integrated into the A Schulman product line.
Electrical Resistivity 10.0 - 1.00e+16 ohm-cm
10.0 - 1.00e+16 ohm-cm
Average value: 1.18e+15 ohm-cm Grade Count:20
Overview of materials for Polyphthalamide (PPA), Carbon Fiber + PTFE Filled
This property data is a summary of similar materials in the MatWeb database for the category "Polyphthalamide, Carbon Fiber + PTFE Filled". Each property range of values reported is minimum and maxi..
Electrical Resistivity 10.0 - 1.00e+15 ohm-cm
10.0 - 1.00e+15 ohm-cm
Average value: 6.92e+14 ohm-cm Grade Count:14
Overview of materials for Polytrimethylene Terephthalate (PTT)
This property data is a summary of similar materials in the MatWeb database for the category "Polytrimethylene Terephthalate (PTT)". Each property range of values reported is minimum and maximum val..
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