Songhan Plastic Technology Co.,Ltd.

Polymer Property : Melting Point = 290 °C Product List

Thermal Properties

Tips: 30 items are displayed at most. For the rest of the results, please contact customer service.
Thermal Properties Metric English Comments
Melting Point 290 °C
554 °F
ISO 11357-1
Murtfeldt Murylon® HT Nylon 46
The use of this highly temperature resistant polyamide enables reliable operation up to a constant service temperature of 155°C . The material retains its rigidity and creep strength over the entir..
Melting Point 290 °C
554 °F
DSC, 10°C/min.; ISO 11357-1/-3
Quadrant EPP Ertalon® 4.6 PA 4.6, extruded (ISO Data)
Compared with conventional nylons, Ertalon 4.6 features a better retention of stiffness and creep resistance over a wide range of temperatures as well as superior heat ageing resistance. Therefore, ..
Melting Point 290 °C
554 °F
Crystalline, Peak; ASTM D3418
Quadrant EPP Nylatron® 4.6 (ASTM Product Data Sheet)
Melting Point 290 - 295 °C
554 - 563 °F
Average value: 295 °C Grade Count:34
Overview of materials for Nylon 46, Unreinforced
This property data is a summary of similar materials in the MatWeb database for the category "Nylon 46, Unreinforced". Each property range of values reported is minimum and maximum values of appropr..
Melting Point 290 - 310 °C
554 - 590 °F
Indium Corp. Indalloy 12 Lead Solder Alloy
Tin-free indium solderInformation Provided by Indium Corporation
Melting Point 290 °C
554 °F
via DSC
Specialty Coating Systems Parylene C Poly (P-Xylylene) Coating
Parylene C is a polymer of para-xylylene modified by the substitution of a chlorine atom for one of the aromatic hydrogen atoms. Parylene C has a useful combination of electrical and physical proper..
Melting Point 290 - 310 °C
554 - 590 °F
Williams Advanced Alloys WS310 Solder
All Williams alloys are available in a variety of shapes and forms, including ribbon, preforms, rod, ring, wire, and custom shapes.Information provided by Williams Advanced Alloys
Melting Point 290 °C
554 °F
10°C/min; ISO 11357-1/-3
DSM Stanyl® TW271F8 (PA46+PTFE)-GF40
40% Glass Reinforced, Heat Stabilized, Wear and Friction Modified
Melting Point 290 °C
554 °F
10°C/min; ISO 11357-1/-3
DSM Stanyl® TW278F10 (PA46+PTFE)-GF50
50% Glass Reinforced, Heat Stabilized, Wear and Friction Modified
Melting Point 290 °C
554 °F
10K/min; ISO 3146
CENTROPLAST CENTROPHEN GF Polyphenylene ether 30% glass fiber
This material is a lightweight plastic with low moisture absorption, and is impact resistant at low temperatures. Applications include electronic housings, valve pistons, and support rollers.Inform..
Melting Point 290 °C
554 °F
10K/min; ISO 3146
CENTROPLAST CENTROPHEN Polyphenylene ether modified
This material is a lightweight plastic with low moisture absorption, and is impact resistant at low temperatures. Applications include fittings, drive components for domestic appliances, and compon..
Melting Point 290 °C
554 °F
ASTM D4591
3M Dyneon™ PFA FLEX 8502 UHPZ Perfluoroalkoxy Fluorothermoplastic Granules
Dyneon™ PFA-FLEX UHP family exhibits improved environmental stress crack resistance to stress cracking agents such as fluorsurfactants and fluorosurfactant-containing chemicals. In addition, this f..
Melting Point 290 °C
554 °F
ASTM D4591
3M Dyneon™ PFA FLEX 8515 UHPZ Perfluoroalkoxy Fluorothermoplastic Granules
Dyneon™ PFA-FLEX UHP family exhibits improved environmental stress crack resistance to stress cracking agents such as fluorsurfactants and fluorosurfactant-containing chemicals. In addition, this f..
Melting Point 290 °C
554 °F
Parylene Coating Services C Poly (P-Xylylene)
Monomer is monochloro para-xylylene. Parylene C is recommended where excellent barrier protection is needed. It can be used up to 125°C where oxygen is present.Parylene is a generic name for poly-..
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