Material Notes:
Clear, glossy polyurethane enamel with good chemical, weather and abrasion resistance as a clear anti-graffiti coating. High-grade, high-build, 2-component system for good performance on metal, wood, plastics, concrete in normal, industrial, all-weather and corrosive environments. Combination of weather, UV and chemical resistance.Suggested Uses: Protective or decorative coating of decks, indoor and outdoor furniture, boats, sports and playground equipment, structural and decorative components, tanks, plant equipment, railroad equipment and boxcars, trucks, buses, motor homes, plastic domes, components and structures, appliances, construction and farm equipment, metal furniture, floors in factories, offices, hospitals, warehouses, service stations, restaurants, public and private buildings. Processing: Ratio by volume: 100/50 Part A (clear resin solution)/Part B (clear coreactant solution)Information provided by Abatron.