Songhan Plastic Technology Co.,Ltd.

Manufacturer : CoorsTek > Category : Carbide Product List

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PRODUCT NO. Category Trade Name
CoorsTek ACI-Co10 Tungsten Carbide Carbide
CoorsTek ACI-Co6 Tungsten Carbide Carbide
CoorsTek ACI-Ni10 Tungsten Carbide Carbide
CoorsTek ACI-Ni6 Tungsten Carbide Carbide
CoorsTek Boron Carbide Reaction-Bonded Boron Carbide Carbide
CoorsTek Direct Sintered Silicon Carbide, SC DS (SC-30, UltraSiC™) Carbide
CoorsTek Nitrogen Bonded Silicon Carbide, SCNB Carbide
CoorsTek Pure SiC™ HR CVD Silicon Carbide, > 99.9995% Carbide Pure SiC™
CoorsTek Pure SiC™ LR CVD Silicon Carbide, > 99.9995% Carbide Pure SiC™
CoorsTek Reaction Bonded Silicon Carbide, SCRB (SC-2) Carbide
CoorsTek SC-BNL (SC-42) Loaded Reaction Bonded Silicon Carbide Carbide
CoorsTek SC-DSG (SC-35) Graphite Loaded Sintered Silicon Carbide Carbide
CoorsTek SC-DSLP (SC-50) Liquid Phase Sintered Silicon Carbide Carbide
CoorsTek Tungsten Carbide, WC Carbide
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