Songhan Plastic Technology Co.,Ltd.

Trade Name : Flocklok® Product List

Category Adhesive , Thermoset Polyurethane, Adhesive , Catalyst/Initiator
Manufacturer Lord Adhesives
Tips: 50 items are displayed at most. For the rest of the results, please contact customer service.
PRODUCT NO. Category
Lord Adhesives Flocklok® 550P Flock Adhesive Adhesive
Lord Adhesives Flocklok® 7000/7204 Flock Adhesive Adhesive
Lord Adhesives Flocklok® 850 Flock Adhesive Thermoset Polyurethane, Adhesive
Lord Adhesives Flocklok® 851 Flock Adhesive Thermoset Polyurethane, Adhesive
Lord Adhesives Flocklok® 852 Flock Adhesive Adhesive
Lord Adhesives Flocklok® 853 Blocked Flock Adhesive Adhesive
Lord Adhesives Flocklok® 853A Flock Adhesive Adhesive
Lord Adhesives Flocklok® 870 Flock Adhesive Adhesive
Lord Adhesives Flocklok® Catalyst 1 Catalyst/Initiator
Lord Adhesives Flocklok® Catalyst 6 Catalyst/Initiator
Lord Adhesives Flocklok® P11 Adhesive Adhesive
Lord Adhesives Flocklok® P13 Adhesive Adhesive
Lord Adhesives Flocklok® 855 Flock Adhesive Adhesive
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