Material Notes:
GRAFOIL® Grade GHN is an unbranded laminate made with GRAFOIL® Grade TG-337 flexible graphite, thermally bonded to both faces of a plastic insert. It is not certified to any industry standards. It is similar to Grade GHP, but with low-cost natural graphite. Grade GHN provides excellent long term sealing, good load retention, and easy removal of frequently rebuilt flanges. Surface identifiable, the laminate is branded with the GRAFOIL® grade and source guarantee. Its applications include: general gasket service; blind flange gaskets; replacements for current compressed sheets and beater-addition-type sheets; and other non-asbestos gasketing materials. While maintaining an effective seal, GRAFOIL® material exhibits virtually no creep relaxation. As a result, the need for periodic bolt tightening is greatly reduced. Laminate Construction: GRAFOIL® Grade TG-337 ? 0.0015" thick plastic ? GRAFOIL® Grade TG-337