Material Notes:
Description of product:Appearance: At room temperature water clear liquid.Composition: A mixture of toluene diisocyanate isomers (2,4-toluene diisocyanate [A] and 2,6-toluene diisocyanate [B]. Nominal isomer ratio: [A] / [B] = 1,86)Field of application: The highly reactive diisocyanate chemicals are important materials used in production of PUR products. Their reactions with various polyols and auxiliary materials is utilized to obtain miscellaneous type material structures, like foams, coatings and adhesives. Through the present product manufacturer provides one of the high purity components required for such applications and quality parameters kept in an extremely narrow range of tolerance significantly contributes to exact reproducibility of formulations.Hazard listing: T+ EXTREMELY POISONOUSInformation provided by BorsodChem Rt.