Songhan Plastic Technology Co.,Ltd.

Manufacturer : Plansee SE Product List

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PRODUCT NO. Category Trade Name
Plansee MoCu30 Molybdenum-Copper Refractory Metal
Plansee MoCu40 Molybdenum-Copper Refractory Metal
Plansee MoCu50 Molybdenum-Copper Refractory Metal
Plansee MoILQ Molybdenum Incandescent Light Quality Refractory Metal
Plansee MoRe41 Molybdenum-Rhenium Refractory Metal
Plansee MoRe5 Molybdenum-Rhenium Refractory Metal
Plansee MT11 Molybdenum-Tantalum Refractory Metal
Plansee MW30 Molybdenum-Tungsten Refractory Metal
Plansee MW50 Molybdenum-Tungsten Refractory Metal
Plansee MY Molybdenum-Yttrium-Cerium Oxide Refractory Metal
Plansee MZ17 Molybdenum-Zirconium Oxide Refractory Metal
Plansee S-WVMW Aluminum-potassium Silicate-doped tungsten Tungsten Alloy
Plansee Ta10W Tantalum-Tungsten 10 Alloy Refractory Metal
Plansee Ta2.5W Tantalum-Tungsten 2.5 Alloy Refractory Metal
Plansee TaKS Grain Stabilized Tantalum Refractory Metal
Plansee TZM Titanium-Zirconium-Molybdenum Molybdenum Alloy
Plansee W-10Cu Tungsten-Copper Composite Tungsten Alloy
Plansee W-15Cu Tungsten-Copper Composite Tungsten Alloy
Plansee W-20Cu Tungsten-Copper Composite Tungsten Alloy
Plansee WC20 Cerium Oxide-doped Tungsten Tungsten Alloy
Plansee WL10 Lanthanum Oxide-doped Tungsten Tungsten Alloy
Plansee WL15 Lanthanum Oxide-doped Tungsten Tungsten Alloy
Plansee WL20 Lanthanum Oxide-doped Tungsten Tungsten Alloy
Plansee WL-S Lanthanum Oxide-doped Tungsten Tungsten Alloy
Plansee WLZ Lanthanum Oxide and Zirconium Oxide-doped Tungsten Tungsten Alloy
Plansee W-NS Potassium-doped Tungsten Tungsten Alloy
Plansee WRe26 Tungsten-Rhenium Alloy Tungsten Alloy
Plansee WRe5 Tungsten-Rhenium Alloy Tungsten Alloy
Plansee WVM Potassium-doped Tungsten Tungsten Alloy
Plansee WVMW Aluminum-potassium Silicate-doped tungsten Tungsten Alloy
Plansee CFY Chromium-Iron-Yttrium Nonferrous Metal
Plansee Chromium, Cr; Sintered Pure Element
Plansee Cu-MoCu-Cu Laminate Molybdenum Alloy
Plansee DENAL® 917 108 XXX (2) Tungsten-Nickel-Iron-Cobalt Alloy Tungsten Alloy DENAL®
Plansee DENAL® 917 108 XXX (3) Tungsten-Nickel-Iron-Cobalt Alloy Tungsten Alloy DENAL®
Plansee DENAL® 920 159 20 Tungsten-Nickel-Iron-Cobalt Alloy Tungsten Alloy DENAL®
Plansee DENAL® 920 60 20 Tungsten-Nickel-Iron-Cobalt Alloy Tungsten Alloy DENAL®
Plansee DENSIMET® D170 Tungsten-Nickel-Iron Alloy Tungsten Alloy DENSIMET®
Plansee DENSIMET® D176 Tungsten-Nickel-Iron Alloy Tungsten Alloy DENSIMET®
Plansee DENSIMET® D180 Tungsten-Nickel-Iron Alloy Tungsten Alloy DENSIMET®
Plansee DENSIMET® D2M Tungsten-Nickel-Molybdenum-Iron Alloy Tungsten Alloy DENSIMET®
Plansee INERMET® IT170 Tungsten-Nickel-Copper Alloy Tungsten Alloy INERMET®
Plansee INERMET® IT180 Tungsten-Nickel-Copper Alloy Tungsten Alloy INERMET®
Plansee ITM Intermediate Temperature Metal, Iron-Chromium-(Molybdenum, Titanium and Yttrium Oxide) Ferrous Metal
Plansee MHC Molybdenum-Hafnium-Carbon Refractory Metal
Plansee DENSIMET® D185 Tungsten-Nickel-Iron Alloy Tungsten Alloy DENSIMET®
Plansee MLR Molybdenum-Lanthanum Oxide; Recrystallized Refractory Metal
Plansee MoCu15 Molybdenum-Copper Refractory Metal
Plansee MLS Molybdenum-Lanthanum Oxide; Stress Relieved Refractory Metal
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