Songhan Plastic Technology Co.,Ltd.

Manufacturer : Esstech > Category : Epoxy Cure Resin Product List

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PRODUCT NO. Category Trade Name
Esstech X-726-0000 PEG 400 Extended Urethane Dimethacrylate, C54H98N4O21 Epoxy Cure Resin
Esstech X-738-0000 Ethoxylated Bis Phenol A Dimethacrylate, C83H144O34 Epoxy Cure Resin
Esstech X-739-0000 Ethoxylated Bis Phenol A Dimethacrylate, C39H56O12 Epoxy Cure Resin
Esstech X-743-0000 Ethoxylated Bis Phenol A Dimethacrylate, C43H64O14 Epoxy Cure Resin
Esstech X-747-0000 Ethoxylated Bis Phenol A Dimethacrylate, C35H48O10 Epoxy Cure Resin
Esstech X-751-0000 Aliphatic Urethane Triacrylate Epoxy Cure Resin
Esstech X-850-0000 Urethane Dimethacrylate Resin, C23H38O8 Epoxy Cure Resin
Esstech X-851-0000 Urethane Dimethacrylate IPDI, C24H38N2O8 Epoxy Cure Resin
Esstech X-852-0000 FIT 852 Resin Epoxy Cure Resin
Esstech X-950-0000 BisGMA Resin, C29H36O8 Epoxy Cure Resin
Esstech X-951-0050 BisGMA/Triethyleneglycol Dimethacrylate (50/50) Epoxy Cure Resin
Esstech X-951-0080 BisGMA/Triethyleneglycol Dimethacrylate (80/20) Epoxy Cure Resin
Esstech X-970-0000 Ethoxylated Bis Phenol A Dimethacrylate, C29H36O7 Epoxy Cure Resin
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