Songhan Plastic Technology Co.,Ltd.

Manufacturer : ALIMEX GmbH Product List

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PRODUCT NO. Category Trade Name
ALIMEX ACP 6000 Aluminum Cast Plate Aluminum Casting Alloy ACP
ALIMEX PLANAL 6082 T651 Aluminum Alloy 6000 Series Aluminum Alloy PLANAL
ALIMEX PLANAL 7075 T651/T652 Aluminum Alloy 7000 Series Aluminum Alloy PLANAL
ALIMEX 2017A T451 Aluminum Alloy Rolled 2000 Series Aluminum Alloy
ALIMEX 5083 O/H111Aluminum Alloy Rolled 5000 Series Aluminum Alloy
ALIMEX 6082 T651 Aluminum Alloy Rolled 6000 Series Aluminum Alloy
ALIMEX 7075 T651/T652 Aluminum Alloy Rolled 7000 Series Aluminum Alloy
ALIMEX ACP 5080 Aluminum Cast Plate Aluminum Casting Alloy ACP
ALIMEX AMP 8000 Aluminum Plate 7000 Series Aluminum Alloy AMP
ALIMEX PLANAL 5083 O/H111 Aluminum Alloy 5000 Series Aluminum Alloy PLANAL
ALIMEX ACP 5080R Aluminum Cast Material Aluminum Casting Alloy ACP
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