Songhan Plastic Technology Co.,Ltd.

Polymer Property : Sintering Temperature = 550 °C Product List

Processing Properties

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Processing Properties Metric English Comments
Sintering Temperature 550 - 750 °C
1020 - 1380 °F
Gwent Electronic Materials C2030922D1 Silver Ink
Silver Ink C2030922D1 is a grey ink with a pine smell at a ready to use viscosity suitable for firing on glass and ceramic to form conductive tracks. The ink should be gently stirred before use avo..
Sintering Temperature 550 - 625 °C
1020 - 1160 °F
Gwent Electronic Materials C2060217P3 Lead-free Silver Topcoat Ink
This product is a Lead free version of C70709D21. Silver Ink C2060217D3 is designed as a top coat for Silver Zinc Ink C2061103D7 printed on PTC ceramics. Screen Printing Equipment: semi-automatic, m..
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