Songhan Plastic Technology Co.,Ltd.

Polymer Property : Tensile Strength, Ultimate = 35000 psi Product List

Mechanical Properties

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Mechanical Properties Metric English Comments
Tensile Strength, Ultimate 51.7 - 241 MPa
7500 - 35000 psi
Average value: 94.5 MPa Grade Count:21
Overview of materials for Polyphthalamide (PPA), Aramid Fiber
This property data is a summary of similar materials in the MatWeb database for the category "Polyphthalamide, Aramid Fiber". Each property range of values reported is minimum and maximum values of ..
Tensile Strength, Ultimate 36.5 - 241 MPa
5300 - 35000 psi
Average value: 174 MPa Grade Count:7
Overview of materials for Thermoplastic Polyimide, Carbon Fiber
This property data is a summary of similar materials in the MatWeb database for the category "Thermoplastic Polyimide, Carbon Fiber". Each property range of values reported is minimum and maximum va..
Tensile Strength, Ultimate 75.8 - 241 MPa
11000 - 35000 psi
Average value: 176 MPa Grade Count:75
Overview of materials for Nylon 66, Carbon Fiber/PTFE Filled
This property data is a summary of similar materials in the MatWeb database for the category "Nylon 66, Carbon Fiber/PTFE Filled". Each property range of values reported is minimum and maximum value..
Tensile Strength, Ultimate 207 - 241 MPa
30000 - 35000 psi
Copper butt joint
Lucas-Milhaupt SIL-FOS 5 Silver/ Copper/ Phosphorus Alloy
Applications: Sil-Fos 5 was developed primarily for use on copper, but their use has extended to other nonferrous copper base alloys. It is used extensively on refrigeration units, air conditionin..
Tensile Strength, Ultimate 207 - 241 MPa
30000 - 35000 psi
Copper butt joint
Lucas-Milhaupt SIL-FOS Silver/ Copper/ Phosphorus Alloy
Applications: Sil-Fos was developed primarily for use on copper, but their use has extended to other nonferrous copper base alloys. It is used extensively on refrigeration units, air conditioning ..
Tensile Strength, Ultimate 200 - 241 MPa
29000 - 35000 psi
Annealed Sheet
ATI Wah Chang Vanadium
Vanadium is widely dispersed in the earths crust occurring in many types of deposits. Most vanadium is currently obtained as a by-product or co product from titanomagnetites, petroleum, uranium ores..
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