Songhan Plastic Technology Co.,Ltd.

Polymer Property : Tensile Strength, Ultimate = 145000 psi Product List

Mechanical Properties

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Mechanical Properties Metric English Comments
Tensile Strength, Ultimate 900 - 1000 MPa
131000 - 145000 psi
Sintered Only
MarkeTech 91-6-3 Tungsten Alloy, AMS-T-21014 Class 1
Used to fabricate parts to near net size and several processes to produce high quality tungsten based materials.Tungsten heavy alloys have very high melting point and have a density twice that of st..
Tensile Strength, Ultimate 880 - 1000 MPa
128000 - 145000 psi
CLAL-MSX NICLAFOR® 1000 TDX Quenched/Cold Rolled, Drawn Copper Alloy
Finished parts can be produced with: reduction in sections, high mechanical properties even at high temperature, high spring properties, high conductivity, good resistance to corrosion, low permeabi..
Tensile Strength, Ultimate 930 - 999 MPa
135000 - 145000 psi
Ametek AM 388™ Alloy (UNS C72650) TS02
Information supplied by Ametek Specialty Metal Products Division.Copper base Spinodal alloy with high conductivity and high strength. Outstanding performance for contacts in connectors, sockets and..
Tensile Strength, Ultimate 896 - 999 MPa
130000 - 145000 psi
Ametek AM 388™ Alloy (UNS C72650) TM08
Information supplied by Ametek Specialty Metal Products Division.Copper base Spinodal alloy with high conductivity and high strength. Outstanding performance for contacts in connectors, sockets and..
Tensile Strength, Ultimate 14.5 - 1000 MPa
2100 - 145000 psi
Average value: 144 MPa Grade Count:84
Overview of materials for Thermoplastic Polyurethane (TPUR), Glass Fiber Reinforced
This property data is a summary of similar materials in the MatWeb database for the category "Thermoplastic Polyurethane (TPUR), Glass Fiber Reinforced". Each property range of values reported is mi..
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