Songhan Plastic Technology Co.,Ltd.

Polymer Property : Elmendorf Tear Strength, TD = 259 g/mil Product List

Mechanical Properties

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Mechanical Properties Metric English Comments
Elmendorf Tear Strength, TD 10.2 g/micron
259 g/mil
ASTM D1922
NOVA Chemicals Novapol® PF-Y821-BP Butene LLDPE Film Resin
Film Properties. Features: Good stiffness and machinability, intended for narrow die gaps.Applications: General purpose packaging, bags requiring moderate clarity, bread bags.Data provided by the m..
Elmendorf Tear Strength, TD 10.2 g/micron
259 g/mil
ASTM D1922
NOVA Chemicals Novapol® PF-Y821-CP Butene LLDPE Film Resin
Film Properties. Features: Good stiffness and machinability, suitable for narrow die gaps.Applications: Industrial packaging, heavy duty sacks.Data provided by the manufacturer.
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