Songhan Plastic Technology Co.,Ltd.

Polymer Property : Charpy Impact Unnotched = 3.33 ft-lb/in² Product List

Mechanical Properties

Tips: 30 items are displayed at most. For the rest of the results, please contact customer service.
Mechanical Properties Metric English Comments
Charpy Impact Unnotched 0.500 - 0.700 J/cm²

@Temperature 23.0 °C
2.38 - 3.33 ft-lb/in²

@Temperature 73.4 °F
Injection; ISO 179/ 1eU
Raschig Group 6552 DAIP
Glass-fiber reinforced diallyl isophthalate molding compound. Good mechanical strength together with retention of high electrical isolation properties under hot humid conditions, exceptional dimensi..
Charpy Impact Unnotched 0.500 - 0.700 J/cm²
2.38 - 3.33 ft-lb/in²
Compression; ISO 179/1eU
Raschig Group DECAL® 666/8/2B Phenolic
Glass-fiber reinforced phenolic molding compound. Excellent heat resistance, low mould shrinkage and post-shrinkage, good chemical resistance and mechanical properties. This product meets the allowe..
Charpy Impact Unnotched 0.400 - 0.700 J/cm²
1.90 - 3.33 ft-lb/in²
Compression; ISO 179/1eU
Raschig Group MELOPAS® 156 MF Melamine
Glass fiber reinforced Melamine molding compound. This product meets the allowed upper limits for heavy metals and PCAs and also conforms to the requirements of the EU directives 2002/95 (RoHS), 200..
Charpy Impact Unnotched 0.400 - 0.700 J/cm²

@Temperature -40.0 - -40.0 °C
1.90 - 3.33 ft-lb/in²

@Temperature -40.0 - -40.0 °F
Average value: 0.550 J/cm² Grade Count:1
Overview of materials for Melamine-Phenolic Copolymer
This property data is a summary of similar materials in the MatWeb database for the category "Melamine-Phenolic Copolymer". Each property range of values reported is minimum and maximum values of ap..
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