Songhan Plastic Technology Co.,Ltd.

Polymer Property : Charpy Impact Unnotched = 9.33 ft-lb/in² Product List

Mechanical Properties

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Mechanical Properties Metric English Comments
Charpy Impact Unnotched 1.96 - 3.74 J/cm²
9.33 - 17.8 ft-lb/in²
Average value: 2.90 J/cm² Grade Count:3
Overview of materials for Thermoplastic Polyimide, Carbon Fiber
This property data is a summary of similar materials in the MatWeb database for the category "Thermoplastic Polyimide, Carbon Fiber". Each property range of values reported is minimum and maximum va..
Charpy Impact Unnotched 1.96 J/cm²

@Temperature 23.0 °C
9.33 ft-lb/in²

@Temperature 73.4 °F
EN ISO 179
Ensinger TECASINT 4201 SD Polyimide, Black, Carbon Fiber (PI)
TECASINT is a range of non-melting high temperature polyimides characterized by high strength over a wide range of temperatures, good long term thermal stability, minimal thermal expansion and excel..
Charpy Impact Unnotched 1.96 J/cm²

@Temperature -30.0 °C
9.33 ft-lb/in²

@Temperature -22.0 °F
Arkema Group Rilsan® BMN Y BZ TL Nylon 11, Bronze Bead Filled (Conditioned)
Designation ISO 1874-PA11,MHLS,16-020,(Z+M)(B+D)(80BZ+05)Rigid grade with bronze beads (85%) and molybdenum fillers for injection molding. Available color: steel brown. Light and heat stabilized.No ..
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