Songhan Plastic Technology Co.,Ltd.

Polymer Property : Spiral Flow = 47.5 cm Product List

Physical Properties

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Physical Properties Metric English Comments
Spiral Flow 47.5 cm
18.7 in
Exxon Method
ExxonMobil Escorene® HD-6705 HDPE, Injection Grade  (discontinued **)
Data Provided by Exxon Chemical Canada.Characteristics: Medium Flow, Good Stiffness, Good ImpactUses: Food containers, Housewares, Toys
Spiral Flow 47.5 cm
18.7 in
LyondellBasell Alathon® H4262 High Density Polyethylene, Injection Molding Grade  (discontinued **)
ApplicationsAlathon H4262 is a high-flow resin that exhibits very good cold temperature impact performance, optimum processing and thermal stability, with good color and organoleptic properties. Typ..
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