Songhan Plastic Technology Co.,Ltd.

Polymer Property : Bulk Density = 0.0310 lb/in³ Product List

Physical Properties

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Physical Properties Metric English Comments
Bulk Density 0.858 g/cc
0.0310 lb/in³
Poured; ASTM D1895
Eastman CM01 PET  (discontinued **)
Voridian Polymer CM01 is clear polymer that is available in North America. This product is useful for production of beverage, food, and edible oil containers.Applications/UsesCarbonated soft drink c..
Bulk Density 0.857 g/cc
0.0310 lb/in³
DAK Americas Laser+® C91A PET
Product Description: Laser+® (C91A) polyethylene terephthalate (PET) resin is a copolymer formulated for conversion to PET bottles by conventional single or two-stage processing technology.Typical ..
Bulk Density 0.857 g/cc
0.0310 lb/in³
DAK Americas Laser+® W P41A PET
Product Description: Laser+® W (P41A) polyethylene terephthalate (PET) resin is a copolymer formulated for conversion to PET bottles by conventional single or two-stage processing technology.Typica..
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