Songhan Plastic Technology Co.,Ltd.

Polymer Property : Nitrogen Transmission = 3500 cc-mm/m²-24hr-atm Product List

Physical Properties

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Physical Properties Metric English Comments
Nitrogen Transmission 3500 cc-mm/m²-24hr-atm
8890 cc-mil/100 in²-24hr-atm
LG Chemical LUTENE BB0808 LDPE Blown Film Grade
Description: LUTENE BB0808 is mainly intended for the extrusion of blown film with high mechanical property for the manufacture of shrink film and pallet shrink covers. LUTENE BB0808 have the balanc..
Nitrogen Transmission 3500 cc-mm/m²-24hr-atm
8890 cc-mil/100 in²-24hr-atm
LG Chemical LUTENE FB0300 LDPE Blown Film Grade
Description: LUTENE FB0300 is mainly intended for the extrusion of blown film with high mechanical property for the manufacture of heavy duty sacks and pallet shrink films. LUTENE FB0300 have the e..
Nitrogen Transmission 3500 cc-mm/m²-24hr-atm
8890 cc-mil/100 in²-24hr-atm
LG Chemical LUTENE FB0800 LDPE Blown Film
Description: LUTENE FB0800 is mainly intended for the extrusion of blown film with high mechanical property for the manufacture of greenhouse film. LUTENE FB0800 have the excellent mechanical proper..
Nitrogen Transmission 3500 - 7500 cc-mm/m²-24hr-atm
8890 - 19100 cc-mil/100 in²-24hr-atm
Average value: 4500 cc-mm/m²-24hr-atm Grade Count:4
Overview of materials for Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE), Film Grade
This property data is a summary of similar materials in the MatWeb database for the category "Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE), Film Grade". Each property range of values reported is minimum and maxi..
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