Songhan Plastic Technology Co.,Ltd.

Manufacturer : Nye Lubricants > Category : White Mineral Oil (WMO) Product List

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PRODUCT NO. Category Trade Name
Nye Lubricants 100 (DMO) Delicate Machinery Oil White Mineral Oil (WMO)
Nye Lubricants 113 (DMO) Delicate Machinery Oil White Mineral Oil (WMO)
Nye Lubricants 123 (Nyoil) Oil White Mineral Oil (WMO)
Nye Lubricants 131A (DMO) Delicate Machinery Oil White Mineral Oil (WMO)
Nye Lubricants 140B (SO) Synthetic Oil Synthetic Ether Base
Nye Lubricants 140C (SO) Synthetic Oil Synthetic Ether Base
Nye Lubricants 350-SBG-2 (RL) Synthetic Oil Calcium Gellant
Nye Lubricants 708D (NG) Synthetic Oil Clay Gellant
Nye Lubricants NYOIL Oil White Mineral Oil (WMO)
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