Songhan Plastic Technology Co.,Ltd.

Manufacturer : Exxon Chemical > Category : Polypropylene, Extrusion Grade Product List

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PRODUCT NO. Category Trade Name
ExxonMobil ACHIEVE 1605 Exxpol Metallocene Grade for Injection Molding Applications Polypropylene, Extrusion Grade ACHIEVE
ExxonMobil ACHIEVE 3825 Exxpol Metallocene Grade for Nonwovens Fiber and General Extrusion Applications Polypropylene, Extrusion Grade ACHIEVE
ExxonMobil ACHIEVE 3854 Exxpol Metallocene Grade for Nonwovens Fiber and General Extrusion Applications Polypropylene, Extrusion Grade ACHIEVE
ExxonMobil PP1024E4 Homopolymer Polypropylene, Extrusion Grade
ExxonMobil PP1105E1 Homopolymer Polypropylene, Extrusion Grade
ExxonMobil PP2252E3 Homopolymer Polypropylene, Extrusion Grade
ExxonMobil PP3155 Homopolymer Grade for Nonwoven and Fiber Applications Polypropylene, Extrusion Grade
ExxonMobil PP2252E1 Homopolymer Polypropylene, Extrusion Grade
ExxonMobil PP2252E4 Homopolymer Polypropylene, Extrusion Grade
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