Songhan Plastic Technology Co.,Ltd.

Polymer Property : Flash Point = -49.0 °C Product List

Thermal Properties

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Thermal Properties Metric English Comments
Flash Point -49.0 °C
-56.2 °F
LG Chemical C5 Product
Structure & Characteristics: Obtained as a by-product from pyrolysis oil hydration plant which was produced from naphtha pyrolysis process, and C5 content is higher than 95%. Although it is in liqui..
Flash Point <= -49.0 °C
<= -56.2 °F
LG Chemical IP-20
Structure & Characteristics: C5H10. A ring-structured saturated hydrocarbon. Present in naphtha pyrolysis oil and is obtained by distillation followed by isolation of n-pentane extraction remnants o..
Flash Point >= -49.0 °C
>= -56.2 °F
LG Chemical IP-40
Structure & Characteristics: C5H10. A ring-structured saturated hydrocarbon. Present in naphtha pyrolysis oil and is obtained by distillation followed by isolation of n-pentane extraction remnants o..
Flash Point -49.0 °C
-56.2 °F
LG Chemical n-Pentane
CH3CH2CH3. Saturated hydrocarbon fatty acid. Dissolved in crude oil. Colorless gas with slightly characteristic odor, and is heavier than air.Uses: Used as an EPS foaming agent named 'styrofoam' by ..
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