Songhan Plastic Technology Co.,Ltd.

Polymer Property : Softening Point = 167 °F Product List

Thermal Properties

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Thermal Properties Metric English Comments
Softening Point 73.0 - 75.0 °C
163 - 167 °F
Average value: 74.2 °C Grade Count:5
Overview of materials for High Density Polyethylene (HDPE), Film Grade
This property data is a summary of similar materials in the MatWeb database for the category "High Density Polyethylene (HDPE), Film Grade". Each property range of values reported is minimum and max..
Softening Point 65.0 - 75.0 °C
149 - 167 °F
Kofler; MQSA 70 A
Lubrizol Advanced Materials Pearlbond® DAP 750/2 Thermoplastic Polyurethane
The Pearlbond® grades are aromatic crystalline TPUs used for the production of heat activated shoe counters and toe puffs, and orthopedic products. The Pearlbond® grades are supplied in pelle..
Softening Point 65.0 - 75.0 °C
149 - 167 °F
Beijing Ranger Chem 191 Solid Epoxy Resin
Information provided by Beijing Ranger Chemical Co.
Softening Point 65.0 - 75.0 °C
149 - 167 °F
Beijing Ranger Chem SM-601R Solid Epoxy Resin
Information provided by Beijing Ranger Chemical Co.
Softening Point 65.0 - 75.0 °C
149 - 167 °F
Beijing Ranger Chem 0191S Solid Epoxy Resin
Information provided by Beijing Ranger Chemical Co.
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