Songhan Plastic Technology Co.,Ltd.

Polymer Property : Active Range = 1470 °F Product List

Thermal Properties

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Thermal Properties Metric English Comments
Active Range 550 - 800 °C
1020 - 1470 °F
Johnson Matthey Mattiflux 101 Brazing Flux Powder
JM Mattiflux 101 is the industry standard silver brazing flux. It has excellent fluidity at brazing temperature, and is widely used for most applications. The residues are easily removed in hot wa..
Active Range 550 - 800 °C
1020 - 1470 °F
Johnson Matthey JM Tenacity 2 Brazing Flux Powder
JM Tenacity No 2 flux is highly active with a working range up to 1480°F. It can be used on most metals, except for Aluminum and magnesium, for brazing with silver brazing alloys. JM Tenacity No ..
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