Songhan Plastic Technology Co.,Ltd.

Polymer Property : Specific Heat Capacity = 0.0320 BTU/lb-°F Product List

Thermal Properties

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Thermal Properties Metric English Comments
Specific Heat Capacity 0.134 J/g-°C
0.0320 BTU/lb-°F
AIM 58 Fusible Alloy
Uses: lens blocking; proof casting; fusible element in safety devices; anchoring parts for machining; sealing adjustment screws; holding jet engine blades for machining and broaching; filler for sup..
Specific Heat Capacity 0.134 J/g-°C
0.0320 BTU/lb-°F
AIM 58 Fusible Alloy
Uses: lens blocking; proof casting; fusible element in safety devices; anchoring parts for machining; sealing adjustment screws; holding jet engine blades for machining and broaching; filler for sup..
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