Songhan Plastic Technology Co.,Ltd.

Polymer Property : Melting Point = 3587 °F Product List

Thermal Properties

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Thermal Properties Metric English Comments
Melting Point 1975 °C
3587 °F
MarkeTech Zinc Oxide (ZnO) Single Crystal Substrate
Data provided by the supplier, MarkeTech International.Used as a substrate for deposition of high temperature oxide superconductors.
Melting Point 1975 °C
3587 °F
Mateck ZnO
Substrate single crystals for III-V nitrides
Melting Point 1975 °C
3587 °F
Mateck Zinc Oxide, ZnO
Melting Point 1975 °C
3587 °F
Goodfellow Calcium Titanate CaTiO3
Information provided by Goodfellow.
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