Songhan Plastic Technology Co.,Ltd.

Polymer Property : Melting Point = 1150 °F Product List

Thermal Properties

Tips: 30 items are displayed at most. For the rest of the results, please contact customer service.
Thermal Properties Metric English Comments
Melting Point 621 °C
1150 °F
Parkway Products Thixomolded® AM50A Magnesium
Thixomolding® is a fabrication technique, similar to injection molding, that uses magnesium alloys as the “resin” instead of plastic. Solid magnesium alloy pellets are fed into the machine, heate..
Melting Point 621 °C
1150 °F
MarkeTech Cesium Iodide:Thallium (CsI:Tl) Scintillator Crystal
Cesium Iodide activated by thallium is a scintillation material with high absorption power and can be used as an efficient gamma ray absorber. CsI:Tl is soluble in water, but is not hygroscopic in l..
Melting Point 621 °C
1150 °F
Mateck Cesium Iodide, CsI
Optical crystals
Melting Point 620 - 650 °C
1150 - 1200 °F
Indium Corp. Indalloy 217 Silver Solder Alloy
Information Provided by Indium Corporation
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