Songhan Plastic Technology Co.,Ltd.

Polymer Property : Melting Point = 1224 °C Product List

Thermal Properties

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Thermal Properties Metric English Comments
Melting Point 1224 - 1275 °C
2235 - 2327 °F
Kennametal Stellite Stellite® 98M2 cast
Adhesive wear test data P/M 0.58 Typical applications include vane plugs, fuel metering pins, spacer bushings, ball bearing blanks, race bearing blanks, diesel engine exhaust, fluid valve seats, saw..
Melting Point 1224 - 1275 °C
2235 - 2327 °F
Kennametal Stellite Stellite® 98M2 with P/M Processing
Adhesive wear test data P/M 0.58 Typical applications include vane plugs, fuel metering pins, spacer bushings, ball bearing blanks, race bearing blanks, diesel engine exhaust, fluid valve seats, saw..
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