Songhan Plastic Technology Co.,Ltd.

Polymer Property : Flexural Modulus = 37.3 ksi Product List

Mechanical Properties

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Mechanical Properties Metric English Comments
Flexural Modulus 0.257 GPa
37.3 ksi
Secant 1%; ASTM D-790-95
Multibase Multi-Flex® TPO 1047-3000
The burn rate is 0.53 in/min; ASTM FM VSS 302.Data provided by Multibase.
Flexural Modulus 0.257 GPa
37.3 ksi
ASTM D790-95
Multibase Multi-Flex® TPO 1047-3000 COMPOUND
The burn rate is 0.53 in/min; ASTM FM VSS 302.Data provided by Multibase.
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