Songhan Plastic Technology Co.,Ltd.

Polymer Property : Secant Modulus, TD = 13.2 ksi Product List

Mechanical Properties

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Mechanical Properties Metric English Comments
Secant Modulus, TD 0.0910 GPa
13.2 ksi
5%; ASTM D882
Petroquimica Triunfo Trithene® TU 3001 LDPE - Agricultural Film
The Trithene TU 3001 resin is a low-density polyethylene (LDPE) with high molecular weight, designed to satisfy those applications that require high mechanical properties, good processability and bu..
Secant Modulus, TD 0.0910 GPa
13.2 ksi
5%; ASTM D882
Petroquimica Triunfo Trithene® TU 8091 LDPE - Agricultural Film
Trithene TU 8091 is a low-density polyethylene (LDPE) with high molecular weight, with excellent mechanical properties and good processability. These qualities ensure the production of very wide fil..
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