Songhan Plastic Technology Co.,Ltd.

Polymer Property : Tensile Strength, Ultimate = 730 MPa Product List

Mechanical Properties

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Mechanical Properties Metric English Comments
Tensile Strength, Ultimate 620 - 730 MPa
89900 - 106000 psi
CLAL-MSX ARCAP Anticorrosion AP1C H13 3/4 hard, Rolled Copper Alloy
Description: The AP1C grade (used in rods for parts that are to be deformed by torsion, bending, riveting, swaging... and for welding) and the AP1 grade (sheet, strip, wire, tubes) is machineable un..
Tensile Strength, Ultimate 650 - 730 MPa
94300 - 106000 psi
ArcelorMittal HSLA 550 High strength low alloy steel for cold forming, Hot Rolled
Available in the following: S550MCDescription: Steels in the HSLA (High Strength Low Alloy) range are hardened by a combination of precipitation and grain size refining, resulting in high strength w..
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