Songhan Plastic Technology Co.,Ltd.

Polymer Property : Peel Strength = 120 kN/m Product List

Mechanical Properties

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Mechanical Properties Metric English Comments
Peel Strength >= 120 kN/m
>= 685 pli
60+5°C; ISO 21809-1
Lushan L-5R (HC) Polyethylene Copolymer Adhesive for Steel Pipe Coating
Copolymer adhesive resin Lushan L-5R series is maleic anhydride grafted polyethylene which could be in granule or powder form. It was developed by Lushan with independent patent technologies and pro..
Peel Strength >= 120 kN/m
>= 685 pli
50+5°C; ISO 21809-1
Lushan L-5R (F) Polyethylene Copolymer Adhesive for Steel Pipe Coating
Copolymer adhesive resin Lushan L-5R series is maleic anhydride grafted polyethylene which could be in granule or powder form. It was developed by Lushan with independent patent technologies and pro..
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