Songhan Plastic Technology Co.,Ltd.

Polymer Property : Compressive Strength = 15300 psi Product List

Mechanical Properties

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Mechanical Properties Metric English Comments
Compressive Strength 105 MPa
15300 psi
10% Def.; ASTM D695
Quadrant EPP Semitron® CMP LL5 Polyester (ASTM Product Data Sheet)
Enhanced semi-crystalline polyester product for extended service in CMP retaining rings. Superior performance, especially in oxide processes, and cost effective relative to standard ring materials. ..
Compressive Strength 105 MPa
15300 psi
10% strain; ASTM D695
Saint-Gobain Meldin® 7021 Direct Formed Graphite Filled Polyimide
Finished parts and basic shapes made from 15% by weight graphite filled polyimide material for applications high wear resistance, good thermal oxidative stability, and high temperature resistance. ..
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