Songhan Plastic Technology Co.,Ltd.

Polymer Property : Particle Size = 19 µm Product List

Physical Properties

Tips: 30 items are displayed at most. For the rest of the results, please contact customer service.
Physical Properties Metric English Comments
Particle Size 15 - 19 µm
15 - 19 µm
50% finer than
Potters Industries Sphericel® 60P18 Hollow Glass Spheres
Description: This microsphere is strong with a density of 0.6g/cc, and has the added advantage of a very small particle size of only 18 micron (mean). Fused glass, hollow spheres used as an additive..
Particle Size 11 - 19 µm
11 - 19 µm
Malvern Minerals Novacite® 200 Untreated Lamellar Quartz Filler/Extender
Novacite® quartz silica has closely controlled sizing that is used extensively in the coatings field. Novacite® has broad acceptance as silica in special purpose, product finishes OEM, automo..
Particle Size 11 - 19 µm
11 - 19 µm
Malvern Minerals Novakup® 200 Surface-Treated Lamellar Quartz Filler/Extender
Novakup® is a surface modified or silane treated Novacite®. It has been used its barrier prosperities in chemical and corrosion resistant applications and as a filler/extender/reinforcing agen..
Particle Size 14 - 19 µm
14 - 19 µm
H.C. Starck Amperit® 512.059 Agglomerated Sintered Tungsten Carbide - Cobalt (WC-Co) 88-12
Particle Size 14 - 19 µm
14 - 19 µm
H.C. Starck Amperit® 553.074 Tungsten Carbide-Cobalt-Chromium 86-10-4 (WC-Co-Cr)
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