Songhan Plastic Technology Co.,Ltd.

Polymer Property : Density = 2.265 g/cc Product List

Physical Properties

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Physical Properties Metric English Comments
Density 2.255 - 2.265 g/cc
0.08147 - 0.08183 lb/in³
Mateck Highly Oriented Pyrolytic Graphite
Oxidic single crystals. Applications include:Scanning tunneling microscopy-callibration and substratesGraphite monochromatorsx-ray diffractionneutron scattering and diffraction
Density 2.255 - 2.265 g/cc
0.08147 - 0.08183 lb/in³
Momentive Performance Materials HOPG Graphite Monochromator
Advanced Ceramics' graphite monochromators are highly oriented forms of high purity pyrolytic graphite which diffract x-rays and neutrons with greater efficiency than any other material. In x-r..
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